Today as plan...4 days ago..7 members of perlispowermtbclub pedalling to this route..Kampung Nesam (LOSO village) - Wang Angin - Batu Pahat - Kampung Nesam..
At 07:45hrs...Yusri, Shiva, Abg Dan (Rusdan) and me arrive at the Kampung Nesam...while Hj Adam, Nizam @ jejaka and Nazeri arrive 20 minute later..they are cycling from Kangar that about 5 to 7 km extra.
After have a the stall around Yusri village. We start pedalling around 0830hrs...
Everybody with mtb jersey..SP Jamboree ( Me, Hj Adam & Shiva) + BM jamboree ( Nazeri & Yusri) Own Jersey ( Abg Dan & Nizam).
Start with on road pedalling to the Wang Angin...Yusri lead the group...who has been there for many times...the cruising speed almost 28 to 32km/h....fuh..fuh..fuh..everybody excited to get there..
The Wang Angin Wang Din as per Yusri..the full name of the place....can be access via mini tar from the main road to Sungai Batu Pahat -
Putra Golf Club which famous among golfer..
The climbing start..just after the mini tar finish..the lateriat..slightly slippery..may be raining last night...I believe everybody use the smallest gear at the front and biggest gear at the back...the first climbing push everybody max. limit...yah..yah..yah.. Yes we manage to pass the first try...
Abg Dan , Yusri, Hj Adam & Nazeri lead the, Nizam & Shiva the back..still continue cycling eventhough the speedormeter show 2-3km/hr the speed... The degree of slop almost 20 to 30 degree..I guest..
Ahh.. I can't pedalling anymore...the offroad is too muddy and the front tyre start to fly from the ground..the others members may be could make it..
After a few meter when the slop is reducing...start to cycle again..then we reach at the first check point...we have photo session...also there mr azman (man cina) who come ealier than us..then later join our group until end of the track...
After that we continue the journey..the slop is not bad as before...manage to cycle event though with 8 x 3 gear ratio...I think with lower gear ratio like 7 x 3 gear ratio also can try the track..but not gurantee able to cycle or not may be >>m.t.b he he he...
After the first check point...start to downhill...but still more on uphill..need to take rest after end of uphill..then continue...the cycle like that after reach the second check point..the second 'dangau' @ shelter....
The Thailand border is very closed to this place...just a few meter...where we take rest for second time..but there is no fence..just the Malaysia flag to reconised the border....
Then continue again...this time more is fun..the slop is consider >>> extreme..I think..but alhamdulillah...we manage to pedal until end without any injury....
The distance for this Wang Angin..almost 3-4 km but the more than 10 km.. those who like to try this route can contact us or
TЯM™ MTB Club...insyaAllah we can show the way is..
Then we continue to Sungai Batu Pahat..then to Bukit Ayer...through mini tar...about 5-7 km more...
???where is my camera...oh no..I lost my camera>>
NIKON S51...all the photo inside the camera...I beleive the camera is fell off from my cycling trousers pocket...
So from there...with help with others club members...we try find out the
The place is between the end of Wang Angin last downhill - mini tar behind the golf club - until LEVEL 1 jogging track just before Bukit Ayer..after a few time search..nothing anybody found the camera inside the black pounch NIKON S51 please return to me or others club members..ok..tq.
Then we have lunch..before return back to Kampung Nesam..the total distance about 22km only because the last route cancel due to unexpected....
(more km for who are cycling from Kangar - Hj Adam, Nazeri & Nizam)..
Thank all for help & the event...till cycling again..